Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Shiloh's Birthday

8/31 - 6:24pm

Oh happy day.  I am in my element.  1 bottle deep, rain and thunder storm outside, working while the most aromatic spaghetti sauce is on the stove.  The freshness a rain can bring to so many things.  Perspective.  I spent 30 minutes alone sitting under the awning enjoying the raining bouncing off the cobble stone onto my feet with the occasional wind blowing it right in my face, talking to God in awe of his brilliance, lightning stretching the sky followed by heart stopping thunder, Politziano Sangiovese in hand, and the sound of my children in the background.  This to me is heaven. 

It’s been a wild ride to get to this place.  France finished out perfectly.  What an amazing place.  I take back my judgement against them for being rude.  I mean they are.  But I love them.  With car packed to an uncomfortable max (literally I couldn’t see the kids in the back or even Shiloh next to me) we began our 8 hour excursion down the coast along the coastline from Provance to Perugia.  We stopped off in Genova (home of pesto) and had lunch at Eatily (one of our favorite places in New York owned by Mario Botali). 

Arriving at our home for the next 4 months was surreal.  The owner of the property, Guido (best Italian maffia name ever), walked us through the house (which was 100 times better than we’d hoped).  Our Italian family the Camerotas made us the most incredible lasagna dinner and we hung out until the wee hours of the night.

Woke up to celebrate Shiloh’s birthday with breakfast (leftover lasagna) in bed and lots and lots of love.  The day was mellow and we enjoyed each other all day long, pool, vino, laughs.  The best part of all was dinner in Montone, the nearest hilltop castle, that happens to be in our back yard, with the Camerotas at an incredible steak & wine restaurant L’Antica Osteria.  We sat upstairs with a view out over the valley watching rain and lightning all dinner long.  Climbing into bed we both had huge smiles on our face...because deep down we both knew, 4 more months of this!

Thank you Jesus!


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