Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Date Night 2 & Chianti

9/14 - 2:36pm

Wow, time flies when you’re Italian.  It’s been a full week since I last wrote.  Quick recap, dinner with the Camerotas was insane, barbecue was in full effect, late night playing cards and plenty of vino. 

Thursday we took the kids into Umbertide and enjoyed a family visit to the same wine bar we’d gone to last week, loved every bit of it, and picked up a bottle of tequila for the road.  That night we had the girls come over and Shi and I went up the road to Montone to a Michelin Star Restaurant that absolutely blew our minds.  I’ll spare the over dramatic adjectives but will just say that the food was absolutely perfect and the bottle of Brunello we had was one of the best wines I’ve ever had in my life.  It is seared into my memory - Poggio Di Sotto 2009.  It helps that they served it to us in decanter sized wine glasses.  By far the most memorable meal and such a romantic date!

Friday we chilled at home all day minus a quick outing to a cheese farm just up the back road from our house where we were invited into the owners home, down to their basement, and tried their cheeses together.  Then it was off to San Leo Bastia for dinner with the Camerotas at our old stomping ground favorite pizza place La Taverna.  Truffle Pizza, check.

Saturday was the dream.  We left the house early up to Chianti and had lunch at our favorite village San Felice.  It is a small town that was fully refurbished 10 years ago and turned into a 5 star resort with fine dining and incredible wines.  Lunch was so much fun, and I know it seems strange, but I’m pretty sure our kids are our best friends.  We really do have such a great time with them, laughing, quality conversation, and eating lots of course.  We’d been invited to dinner by Uncle Fred and Aunt Debbie who happened to be hosting their entire family at their villa in Siena so after lunch we stocked up on wine then headed to Siena.  We were about an hour early so figured we’d go into the city center and kill some time before heading over...unfortunately Shiloh’s directions led me into the actual city center...where cars don’t really belong.  After a quick meltdown on my part (literally driving through walkways barely the size of our car surrounded by hundreds of people) we pulled the e-break said screw it and illegally parked.  Got some gelato, aperal spritzers, and a few craft beers to go and by miracle our car was still there and no ticket - thank you Jesus!  Of course the adventure wasn’t over just yet, we pulled up to what our directions said the house the Zanottos were staying in, which looked like the property from the Shining, walked to the front door, which was open, saw a turned over table, a wheelchair in the corner and could hear muffled talking upstairs.  As Shi went upstairs to see if it was our family, out of the elevator popped an 80 year old woman pushing a 90 year old woman, both who looked like they were escaping an insane asylum, and then Shi running down the stairs saying “we need to go, this is not the right place!”  Like escaping Freddy Krueger we bolted to the car, and were wheels up in seconds and out of there.  Apparently when Shiloh got to the top of the stairs there was a circle of old people in wheel chairs just mumbling to themselves in a semi dark room - creepy!  We called Aunt Debbie and had here redirect us to their home, which was beyond beautiful.  We had the best time catching up with cousins, laughing, eating tons of food and of course a couple bottles of vino.  It was a perfect end to a perfect day.

Sunday was super slow and peaceful.  A picnic lunch in Citta Di Castello and then I was exhausted so crashed out early.  Sometimes you just need those days.  The next day it was Montone with the kids to our hope-to-be locals bar and hung with the kids for a couple hours and just talked.  We couldn’t leave without a pop in to the butcher shop there and got a beautiful tri-tip hacked off the cow in front of us and some pork chops for the next two nights dinners.  BBQ’ed that night and were yet again blown away by how good the meat is here.

So here I am, typing on our outdoor dining table under the canopy after a swim with the kids and thinking how amazing this all has been and can’t believe we’re only 2 weeks in.  I can’t help but be overcome with gratefulness for how good God truly is.  Thank you thank you!

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