Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Technology Meltdown

11/11 - 4:27pm

So here I am, sitting in a bar across the street from the iPhone repair store, no wifi, no phone, and 3 hours to kill.  A part of me is totally freaking out with the disconnect from the outside world, and the other part of me is so incredibly relaxed.  When you have no control, no pending things you can handle, basically can’t do anything at all, there is something beautiful in that.  I brought my laptop assuming I’d be able to catch up on work or do something productive - but instead I am locked into this bar stool with a draft beer and my thoughts.  I think this might be good for me.

This week has been quite nice.  A lot of homebody house time, watching movies, playing with the kittens, family kickball, a couple polar bear plunges and lots of eating.  I got myself into a dangerous adventure of wild boar hunting tomorrow morning with Tony and Federico while the ladies and kids make pasta.  The goal, to return home with a giant chunk of pig that we can barbecue and have with a plethora of pasta and wine.  The reality, I will get gored by a tusk and spend the evening in the hospital, no pig, pasta or wine, but an IV of morpheme and nasty buffet.  Regardless, I’m manning up with a Crocodile Dundee knife and a shotgun and gone’get me some meat.

I’ve been here for 15 minutes and I’m already freaking out.  Ha.  I need therapy.  Maybe one of these days I’ll take a week or month off of work and all technology and see what actually happens to me...even typing that stressed me out.

If/when I get home with an un-shattered iPhone, I’ll be lighting the fire for a night of grilling.  Shi picked up a huge branzino from the fish market along with some squid, and salmon.  Dang it.  I’m hungry now. 

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